Thursday, January 21, 2010

Chicken Noodle Soup, yes?

So I imagine after my last post perhaps you're wondering what I've been eating for the last few days.

Side note: can I just vent for a second? This is taking a lot of effort! I feel like everything I make needs to come from scratch. Between caring for my 5 month old and making homemade food, I've got little time for much else since I started this thing....

...however, moving on. On the topic of "from scratch," I am proud to say I made chicken noodle soup from scratch, all by myself, and it was delicious, and completely potato and processed sugar free. While breastfeeding my son, I channel surfed to entertain myself in the wee hours of the morning and found VIVA network's Simple Fresh Delicious cooking show, with Lovoni Walker. Besides the fact that I really like listening to her accent, I also really like the way she cooks. Anyway, a show recently aired where she made her own chicken broth and chicken noodle soup (hit the links and it will bring you to her website and you can watch the video on how-to). Anyway, we had a whole small chicken in the freezer so after putting it in the slow cooker, I took the carcass the next day and boiled it in some water, with the carrots, onion, garlic, celery etc. Lovoni actually uses the whole chicken to make the broth, which in hindsight I will do next time, because then the chicken is cooked and I can easily use it in salads, sandwiches, etc.

Regardless, it turned out quite lovely. The key was using no-additive sea salt. Everything else was natural, except I can't use whatever noodles I want, because most pastas from the grocery store are enriched (translated: thiamine, riboflavin, and/or niacin in them). But, Superstore's PC Blue Menu pasta is non-enriched. I just took it and broke it up into little pieces before adding it into the soup. All in all it was a lovely meal, although I must say it was more time consuming than I would have liked. Because my son takes short naps, it was an all day affair of unfreezing the broth, peeling carrots and other vegetables, boiling the soup etc etc.

Check out the links to Lovoni's page if you're interested in making your own chicken noodle soup. I imagine after doing it a few times it would go a lot quicker and easier, and it was easy to make it potato free.

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