Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"Eczema free in 6," says she....

As I write this, I am eating an unsalted rice cake, with unsalted peanut butter, and a big slob of honey. I am very very very thankful for honey right now...

Okay, so here's the deal with this whole potato free, sugar free thing. I have really bad eczema. I have it everywhere. From my legs, to my abdomen, to my hands and yes, even small spots on my eyelids, on occasion. You name it. I have been struggling with this eczema itch since Fall 2006. How and why? I was stung by a wasp and broke out into widespread hives. Once the hives went away, I was left with itchy spots on my skin, most notably on my legs. Dermatologists couldn't help, and the eczema was annoying, but bearable. Until I got pregnant in 2008. It got worse. And following my son's birth in 2009, it went nuts. I was desperate. It was suggested to me to visit a Naturopathic Doctor, and here I find myself ready and willing to do whatever it takes.

My Naturopathic Doctor (herein called ND) is confident that my eczema will settle on the following basis: Most people have allergens and intolerances. Imagine your intolerances sitting in a small bucket. You can only have so many intolerances - or reactions to intolerances, before the bucket fills up. Once the bucket fills, it has to spill over. If you're a lucky one, your bucket never spills over, and you never have a problem. However, if you're like me, my bucket's been leaking since 2006 when I was stung by the wasp. According to my ND, my weakest system is affected by all the extra load up of toxins from my overflowing bucket of intolerance. Thus, I have widespread eczema.

So today I'm posting a picture of the worst spot of eczema I have, on my left hand. Now, I have a 4.5 month old, and I'm a little obsessive about hand washing, so I'm sure that's not helping. But I'm sure you'll agree when looking at the picture it's pretty bad. I may warn some of you that it might be a little gross. But at the end of 6 weeks, I'll post another picture to compare and see if this potato free, sugar free diet has made an impact.

Here's hoping it does, anyway, because like I said previously, I'm pretty much desperate.

I'll start posting about food and recipes soon.

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