Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So long potato chips. It’s a sad day.

Welcome to my little experiment on the internet. I am one of many people who have likely visited a Naturopathic Doctor and have been told I need a lifestyle change. A change in what I eat, that is. After 26 years of eating mashed potatoes, French fries, starch, pastries, dairy, desserts, you name it, I’ve been told I am intolerant to potato starch, the day after I just learned to make sweet potato fries.

Did I mention that apparently I am intolerant to processed sugars, as well? :(

So, under the wing of my Naturopathic Doctor, I am trialling 6 weeks of no potato starch and no processed sugars in my diet. And I thought I'd write about it, for a few reasons: The first being that I googled potato intolerance to find recipes to support this lifestyle change and really couldn't find a whole lot out there, just a lot of gluten-free stuff. Which is all fine, but I can still eat wheat. I don't need any more intolerances in addition to the ones I have! Second, I'm conducting a little experiment to see if a medical condition I have will diminish or disappear completely by cutting these intolerances out of my diet, and I want to document the process. And third, although the thought of me posting part of my life on the internet kind of freaks me out, a little support or a few ideas along this dietary journey might be nice.

So if you'd like to follow along or have something to say or add, welcome to this little, potato free and processed sugar free spot on the world wide web :)


  1. You could always make butternut squash fries instead of sweet potato fries...they have pretty well the same texture but without the potato-ey starch :) sad to hear you can't have potatoes but interested to see how this is playing out for you!

  2. Reeeeallly??? This is exciting news...I will have to pick up a butternut squash from the store and experiment...thanks for the idea!

  3. Just found your blog today. Diagnosed with potato intolerance as well as a combination fruit and sugar intolerance which I am just treating like a sugar intolerance. Love all your info and wondering if you are still eating a no potato diet....still blogging, etc. I have learned a lot from your entries and would love to see more or be able to somehow glean from your knowledge.
